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Take every leader to the next level


Savvi is the easiest way to support your managers in their professional and personal development.


Why Savi?


Further development without great additional burden

Give your managers the opportunity to develop their skills every week without burdening them with extra work in day-to-day business. Savvi helps them achieve their intentions and try new things with their teams.​


Habits that last longer than the workout

With Savvi you make sure that your managers develop lasting habits that do not fade after the end of the training. The short, weekly impulses are precisely tailored to the learning profile and focus on direct application in everyday work.​


Foster high-performing teams

When leaders get better, their teams will too. With Savvi, you invite your managers to give their teams exactly the support they need, week after week.


"The training with the Savvi app was fun and the data-based evaluation showed us where we can get even better individually and as a team."

- Jerome Lange, Managing Director koppla

Our leadership modules


First time leadership

The training for employees who are about to or already in their first leadership role. Support your talents in mastering this transition.​


Remote leadership

The training specifically for leadership in new hybrid or remote cultures. Leading at a distance is still unfamiliar to many, but can be mastered with a little practice.


Female Leadership

The training for your female executives and those who will soon take on this role. With this training you support them to quickly gain a foothold in the new position.

Start with us today


What if you could develop your leaders without expensive and time-consuming training programs?

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